Saturday, October 3, 2020

The Wastes War Zone (An Acid Rain Blight)

 The tactical atomic weapons & chemical warfare use each side has deployed against the other has led to the creation of periodic acid rainfall. No where is this more evident then in the Waste. The war zone border between East & West. Some of the perils facing fighting men in this region are pools of acid rain and chemical warfare agents. There are low areas that are filled with poisonous gas, that unless you are wearing your gas mask, will kill you if drop into them seeking cover from enemy fire. The Waste is a bleak, muddy and desolate landscape. Both sides have had to deal with men stricken mad by long service periods exposed to the desolation there.

My 2' square gridded battlefield for this project. The first of several battlefields I have planned.


  1. Interesting gridded battlefield- how was it made? Are these ceramic tiles permanently fixed?

  2. MDF Board with lines cut by a table saw. The mud & grime is a mix of wood glue & sawdust.
